Saturday, March 6, 2010

Green Paw Print Tip #3: Consider switching to natural or organic pet foods.

PetSmart - Catherine Mabe/PetSmart

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These days, there’s a great choice of humanely-produced pet foods from manufacturers who support sustainable production. Many natural pet foodsare made from whole ingredients and do not contain artificial preservatives.Organic pet foods are made from ingredients that are raised or grown without manufactured pesticides and fertilizers, drugs or hormones. These issues don’t just affect your pet—they impact the environment on a much larger scale and can aid in the conservation of soil and water. Pesticides and fertilizers also take their toll on the earth and switching to a natural or organic food could benefit not only your pet, but also the future. Just remember to check with your vet when changing pet foods.
The same goes for treats—go natural or organic. And think about growing your own catnip!

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